Surviving, Reviving, Thriving
A brief tour of Simon Caplan's 'environmental portrait' images of craftworkers and some of their tools and products.

Clogmaker's blade

Jeremy Atkinson - Clogmaker

The Red Shoes

Jeremy Atkinson, Clogmaker

Alastair Simms, Master Cooper

Alastair Simms, Master Cooper

Simon Cooper - Flaxgrower, maker and weaver

Linen thread on weaving machine

Balls of Flax twine

Phil Davidson, Luthier

Phil Davidson, Luthier

Phil Davidson, Luthier

Phil Davidson, Luthier

Neil Hopkins, Papermaker

Handmade paper hanging out to dry

Papermaker Neil Hopkins

Neil Hopkins, Papermaker

Neil Hopkins, Papermaker

Damien Bramhall, Riddle and Sieve Maker

A Load of Crooks

Damien Bramhall, Riddle and Sieve Maker

Cutting wood for riddles and sieves

David Young, Sign Artist

Sign artist's paints

Weaving linen cloth


Precision engineering for glass

Placing the punty

How angels get their halos

So hot he's smoking